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Its That Season Again Green Coat Meme

This folio is for the various "memes" portrayed in "Religion Hilling".

"Organized religion Hilling"

Cartman "faith hilling" at the 2012 Colorado Republican Debate.

"Religion Hilling" involves pulling your shirt out well-nigh the nipple area in order to resemble breasts. According to a news study, it had seen worldwide popularity earlier beingness replaced with "Taylor Swifting". This meme was later brought back into popularity by Cartman.


A news report showcasing memes, with a real-life moving picture of someone demonstrating "Planking".

"Planking" is a photo fad that originated in Australia and was based on a British game, "The Lying Down Game". It consists of someone lying face down, either on a apartment surface or partially supported by something while the balance of the torso is suspended in air, with artillery to the sides, leg together with toes pointed and performed in unusual public spaces. The term refers to mimicking a wooden plank.


A news study showcasing memes, with a existent life movie of someone demonstrating "Owling".

"Owling" is some other photograph fad and is considered to be the successor to "Planking". Information technology simply involves squatting and perching oneself on a loftier surface while looking off intensely into the distance.


A news report showcasing memes, with a real life picture of Tom Brady demonstrating "Bradying".

"Bradying" is named after New England Patriots Quarterback, Tom Brady. It involves sitting on the ground with legs straight out, hands clasped between the legs and head looking downward in shame. The pose originated from Brady's reaction afterwards his pass was intercepted during the 4th quarter of the 2012 Super Bowl, costing him and his team the win.

In the flavour seventeen episode, "Taming Strange", Tom Brady can be seen Bradying once again afterward he crapped in his pants during an NFL game, followed by Mr. Mackey Bradying subsequently the Intellilink organization fails once more.


A teenager named Ryan demonstrating "Tebowing" shortly before his decease as seen in Bloody Sunday: The Dangers of Memeing

Tebowing is a neologism for the act of kneeling on 1 genu in prayer specifically with one's head bowed and an arm resting on the one bent genu, when kneeling, a form of genuflecting. Named after former NFL player, Tim Tebow, it is derived from Tebow's propensity for kneeling and praying. The origin of the phrase is credited to fan Jared Kleinstein, who posted a picture with friends on Facebook, in which they mimicked a pose of Tebow following the Broncos' comeback overtime victory over the Dolphins on Oct 23, 2011.

In the episode, a film called Bloody Dominicus: The Dangers of Memeing is shown to the kids at Due south Park Elementary and reveals how dangerous "Tebowing" is by showing the deaths of 3 teenagers who attempted it.

"Taylor Swifting"

A male child with greenish shirt "Taylor Swifting" in front of Café Monet.

"Taylor Swifting" consisted of taking off your pants and undergarments and dragging your bare bottom across the ground. Afterwards learning it replaced "religion hilling", the boys confronted a group of children performing the meme in front of Café Monet. The situation later devolved into a fight, resulting in the other children beingness put in the hospital.

"Cat Breading"

A reporter reporting on the new "Cat Bread" meme.

This meme consisted of Cats taking pictures of themselves with bread on their faces and uploading them to the internet. Mr. Kitty was a notable participant, much to Cartman'south chagrin.


A shut upwardly shot of "Fonzying" from the book of memes that Professor Lamont brings out

"Fonzying" is a meme based on the fictional character, Arthur "Fonzie" Fonzarelli and his catchphrase, from the television series, Happy Days. It simply consist of giving a "thumbs upward" gesture while saying "Ayyyy" to point approval. In Professor Lamont's volume of memes, scientist Richard Dawkins is quoted in the text, stating that "Fonzying showed a behemothic leap forrard in man intelligence, considering it was a simple meme with a complicated subtext".

"Oh Long Johnsoning"

A teen being striking by baseballs while attempting to "Oh Long Johnson" inside a batting cage.

"Oh Long Johnsoning" was performed by putting yourself in a dangerous situation and seeing how many times you could say "Oh Long Johnson" before getting out of the manner. It caused several deaths. This meme is notable for being the only "cantankerous-species" meme, as information technology was originally performed by a true cat earlier spreading to humans.


A reporter most to be hit by a train while reporting.

This meme consisted of a person wearing a trench coat and talking nigh the dangers of "memeing".

Approved Memes

"Peace Sign"

A teenager demonstrating "Peace Sign".

This meme simply involves angle the thumb, ring and pinky fingers while keeping the index and heart fingers straight to class a "Five" shape. It is held at chest level.

"Bunny Ears"

A teenager demonstrating "Bunny Ears" behind an unsuspecting person.

For this meme, a person stands backside some other person and does the "Peace Sign" meme, only instead of keeping information technology at breast level, brings information technology upwardly behind the head of the unsuspecting person in front end to form the shape of miniature bunny ears.

"Fake Wiener"

A teenager demonstrating "False Wiener".

This meme involves someone slightly turning their body to their left side while bending the left leg and left arm, tucking the left elbow into their centre and making a fist to form a fake erect penis.


"Oh Long Johnsoning" + "Taylor Swifting"

Stan performing this combination of memes.

This meme was a combination of Oh Long Johnsoning and Taylor Swifting. It was performed by dragging your lesser beyond the ground while saying "Oh Long Johnson". Stan was caught performing this meme by the rest of the boys, resulting in them temporarily falling out.

"Cat Bread-Taylor Swift Reporting"

Cartman "Cat Bread-Taylor Swift Reporting".

This meme was a combination of "Taylor Swifting", "Cats with Breadstuff on their Faces", and "Reporting". Cartman performed it in front of Café Monet by dragging his bare lesser across the ground while holding his true cat, who had a slice of bread on his face; he also repeated "Taylor Swift is dangerous" several times.


Cartman and several Republican presidential candidates "pandering".

This meme consisted of a combination of Republican "hopefuls" dancing around and "faith hilling" too equally a celebrity-bashing vocal. It was performed after Cartman successfully brought "religion hilling" back into popularity.
